Progress Pride Flag (Elementary Grades)


tool icon

I Notice, I Wonder

Grade Levels

graduation cap icon



check mark


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Mathematical Reasoning

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Proportional Reasoning

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Other Resources

Image of people at a protest. One child holds up a sign that says Defend and Protect Queer Kids

5 Day Teacher Challenge for Creating Inclusive LGBTQ+ Mathematics Classes

Learn more

Image of Brandie's Guide "Talking about LGBTQ+ Identity". The cover shows the front right pocket of someones button up denim shirt. There is a rainbow patch stitched on the pocket.

Talking about LGBTQ+ Identity: A Guide for PK-16 Educators

Learn more

multiple exposures of the rainbow flag in different patterns and the clasped hands of a young man

Visions of a Re/humanized Mathematics for LGBTQ+ Students (Synchronous Course Offering)

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